The Point Reyes Seashore, just an hour north of San Francisco, though seemingly worlds away, is nothing short of spectacular. Waves crashing onto rugged beaches can be viewed from dramatic clifftops, as the briny Pacific air rolls over pastoral hills as wisps of fog. This breathtaking wilderness with its farmlands and coastline provides food in abundance. Rural backroads curving through dense pine and cypress forests lead to beautifully quaint villages where one can find an artisinal cheese shop or a cottage meadery, while a number of stops on the peninsula’s edge are home to rustic oyster farms
This Hands-on Workshop covers :
The basics of photography to get you comfortable using your camera in manual mode,
discussing ISO, Aperture and Shutter Speed
Visual Storytelling : Exploring the surrounding areas and taking editorial images to enhance
the story of terroir and the farm-to-table experience
How to choose a shooting space, styling techniques, use of props and surfaces,
manipulation of natural light
Post-Production techniques using Adobe Lightroom and Photoshop
DSLR, Mirrorless or Smart Phone are required Bring your laptop if you wish!
Transportation and lodging are not included
Meet and greet for those available 5.30-7.00pm
Day 2
Photography lessons
Editorial trips to marshlands, dairy farmlands
and coastal clifftops, oyster farm, meadery
and creamery
Branding and Social Media Roundtable
Day 3
Styling demonstrations
Hands-on shooting and styling
Adobe Lightroom lessons
Dates & Pricing TBD